Sunday 24 January 2010

I wish I had had this some years ago.

Just listening to Chris Farrell's soothing English voice is a treat. I wish, really I do, that I had had access to the training he provides when I was first online. He is a successful marketer, but he also understands what is confusing to the new person trying to get started. If you have ever struggled to understand the "big picture" at Aweber, and how to configure your autoresponder, you will be delighted at the clarity of Chris's videos. The pace is relaxed, his tone is friendly and encouraging, and the explanation is a model of clarity.
He offers the videos at his membership site, and I would waste no more time struggling with any of the basics of getting started without at least checking out his site. Chris Farrell is a great antidote to all the hype of some marketing gurus.

Saturday 9 January 2010

Viralizing Twitter

Would you like more Twitter followers? The guys at Viral Url have come up with a way of building you followers virally. It is a Set and Forget little machine that ticks away in the background once it gets going. You just need to send one tweet, then find a few other people to follow you on the system and it builds momentum very easily.
You can read more about it here.

Friday 8 January 2010

Promoting Your Blog

Here is a great way to get visitors to your blog. Traffic Momentum have a great way of creating links to other blogs, and spreading your links also. The links look like the ones to the right of this page...I think that six are relevant and the others are connected to the working of the system, including a link to Traffic Momentum, which is the viral element of the system.
Just go to Traffic Momentum and fill in a form, get the widget and paste it into a gadget box (in Blogger.) It also works for Wordpress.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Advertise Free? Learn How to Promote!

Another site with viral advertising. The concept is not unique, but on this site everything is very clearly explained....full marks to Walt, as so many "explanations" and "instructions" leave a great deal to be desired. He does a simple "walk-through" of what is required in online marketing. It is a video in which he appears in a small window, but you get good clear screen shots and he does not move too fast.
Along the way there are tips like how to organize bookmarks. But the main idea is to select a primary advertising base, like "Advertise for Life", and go there first before you promote anything else. Get a special link, which will advertise whatever you choose, but it will also have a link to Advertise for Life and an ad from another member.
These are not glaring or distracting, but they are also perfectly visible. These links begin to build a downline for you. You get credits as well, so the more active you are on the site, the more your ads are shown.
The layout and the graphics of the site make it easy to use. Walt has done very well with it and has impressive testimonials.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Making a Difference

For 2010, my goal is to make a difference in the lives of 300 children, who do not at present have the basics of life. The amazing thing is that by doing this, I will also be improving my own life. This is a truly heartwarming, mindblowing program that makes a huge motivational difference to being involved in internet marketing.
With a big enough "why" you can do any "what"! What really matters to you? What values are guiding your life? Sully Sullenberger, the hero of the Hudson River, was reading a library book on professional ethics at the time of the famous crash. He had not stopped growing, even though he was well on in his professional life. Nor,I believe, should we, and our business will reflect that growth.
So the HUB program is my core program. I invite you to look into it. If it touches and excites you, as it does me, then listen to the calling and step up! There is a reason why the internet was developed, why old financial institutions are creaking and groaning, and why we don't trust governments any more to provide answers. Now it is OUR time, the ordinary person, who chooses to be the truly extraordinary human being they are. Let's unite our brilliance and act to change the world.