Sunday, 27 December 2009

Steve Pavlina

Hats off to Steve Pavlina! In the wonderful way of the web, I just picked up a Tweet, that had been retweeted from my Twitter account, and looked up something which led to something and back to Scribd where I downloaded Steve Pavlina's free ebook called "Personal Development for Smart People".His main site is the most popular personal development site in the world.In this ebook he tells his his teens he was convicted of "felony grand theft". It is a great story,and I won't spoil it by retelling it. Let's just say, he had to face his demons.
How often the famous online marketers have such a story, though not necessarily a conviction for felony perhaps! It reminds me of the Christian theology of "repentance". Nowadays we talk about "turning our lives around". Is it really that different?
Here is a message from the Afterword of Steve's book:
"Embrace your unique path of growth. Use your intellect and
emotions to guide you in the conscious pursuit of truth, love, and
power. Invest in creative self-expression, service, and contribution,
and you will suffer no scarcity. Your greatest gift to the world
is to share who you really are...."